Q: Do all authors and co-authors have to complete their financial relationship disclosures?
A: All authors and co-authors must complete their financial relationship disclosures before an abstract/workshop/roundtable submission will be considered complete.
Q: Can I add additional co-authors/faculty/co-facilitators after the submission deadline?
A: We strongly encourage submitting authors to include ALL co-authors during submission. Failure to do so may result in an incomplete submission.
Q: How long can a video submission be?
A: Under 8 minutes and no more than 2.0 GB
Q: If my abstract is accepted, do I receive any discount for meeting registration?
A: No. All authors and co-authors must register and pay the full meeting registration fee. Be sure to register early for the early bird registration rate.
Q: Do workshop faculty and roundtable facilitators receive complimentary registration?
A: No, all faculty, speakers and facilitators are expected to register and pay the full registration fee. Be sure to register early for the early bird registration rate.
Q: If my abstract is accepted but I cannot attend in-person, can I present virtually?
A: AUGS does not allow for virtual presentations. All presenters are expected to attend and present in-person. Under extenuating circumstances, authors may submit a request for presenting author substitution.