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Roundtable Submission Guidelines

The AUGS PFD Week Planning Committee is excited to open the call for pre-conference workshops for PFD Week 2025 in Vancouver, Canada. Roundtables are intended to be facilitated 60-min in-person discussions on a topic of the facilitator’s choosing. The role of the facilitator is to share information/perspectives, create talking points, and engage attendees in discussions either through case studies or Q&A or both. Facilitators may provide their own handouts or show a presentation on their laptops. No formal presentation is required.

All roundtable presenters are required to adhere to the guidelines below, so please review prior to submitting your proposal.

Submissions are closed.

Returning Users:

Submission Guidelines

Submission Criteria

Noncommercial Policy

AUGS education programs are learning experiences and are noncommercial. Under no circumstances should a preconference workshop presentation be used for direct promotion of a speaker's product, service, or other self-interest.

Acceptance/Rejection Notifications

You will be notified electronically of the acceptance/rejection of your roundtable on or around mid-March 2025. This notification will include the date and time of the session/presentation if accepted.